Seller’s Needs
We understand your need for complete confidentiality and unbiased solutions.
Although Chestnut Hill Partners represents buyers exclusively, we also spend a substantial amount of time working closely with sellers. We work with you in complete confidence, and present buyers who are qualified, serious and well financed.
You know your company’s value best. You understand your company. As an owner you have created value, positioned your company in the marketplace, cultivated a customer base, and realized the potential for growth. By assisting in structuring a transaction that meets your expectations, we play a vital role in your company’s future opportunities and in preserving your legacy. The relationships we develop with sellers often last beyond the transaction. Our network of satisfied sellers is a valuable source of referrals and references for us.
THE CHP Advantage
Chestnut Hill Partners’ bankers all have extensive operating experience as public company CEO’s, CFO’s, and line managers. They understand the transaction from the seller’s perspective.
- We have a long track record originating mutually beneficial transactions in diverse market sectors including manufacturing, technology, and retail.
- Because of our extensive experience with both financial owners and founding owners, we are quick to anticipate problems and to propose effective solutions. We understand that financial owners review even the subtlest financial implications of a sale, while founding owners must also consider a range of personal, family and estate-planning concerns.
- We align ourselves with successful outcomes and remain objective before, during and after the transaction.
- We engage only in discretional negotiations and will not risk our reputation by inadvertent or deliberate disclosure prior to completion, signing and transfer of funds. Count on confidentiality throughout the discussions.
Our Process
Our Go Deep™ analysis and planning system facilitates strategic unions.

Our Go Deep™ analysis and planning system is designed to meet the challenges of diverse personal and professional needs. Our Targeted Search is a highly tailored and collaborative process that is designed to respond to owners’ needs. Utilizing our proprietary database and extensive research we are able to pair sellers with buyers who have similar values, philosophies, and business ethics.
Chestnut Hill Partners operates with exclusivity. When we contact a seller after performing a targeted search, it is because we have the one buyer who is the right buyer.
Every assignment is executed by a seasoned operator/banker. There are no call centers or off-shore activities.
Our Approach
We find private equity investors who are qualified, with funds available, ready to enter solid negotiations seriously.
Chestnut Hill Partners finds private equity investors who bypass the slow, tedious, frustrating, and too often fruitless “auction” process and who enter solid negotiations quickly and seriously. We’re confident in our ability to match investor/buyers to seller/partners. CHP doesn’t “shotgun.” Before making a proposal to either party we determine the logic of the match.
Typically, the ideal size for a quickly successful negotiation is $20 million to $500 million in gross sales. But we have completed many larger and smaller successful negotiations.
After a deal is complete, we typically send a notice to financial publications, but if you prefer total secrecy, or to directly manage the media, we follow your design and instructions.
Chestnut Hill Partners handles acquisitions, mergers, divestitures, and recapitalizations. The private equity market is the company’s familiar and successful territory.
We work on a “one-to-one” basis with interested parties on both sides of a prospective transaction.